Hidden Dragon: Fuller makes history in karate quest

Pat Racette

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Standing at 5-foot-2 tall, the petite Karla Fuller is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Trained to kill in samurai sword, and combative with other weapons, Fuller has long been sensei to students in the area.

However, now the 58-year-old has been recognized as shihan.

Lou Casamassa, founder/director of the American Kung-Fu Karate Federation of over 5,000 members, surprised Fuller with the new recognition at a showcase in California. He presented her with two venerable certificates, including verification of rank shi shi dan – seventh degree black belt – in AKKF and Red Dragon Karate style.

“Shihan includes everything; the style and methods of teaching,” Fuller said. “But I was also given an honorary degree in my driving style, which is something they normally wouldn’t give out.”

Printed in Jan. 2 Tribune-Journal and Clarksville Star.

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